
Friday, May 24, 2019

Learning English Conversation English Skill and Myanmar Skill for Myanmar People 14

I would like to introduce this Topic of translate English to Myanmar Language which have a lot of way thus i write the translate about Conversation for Myanmar people who are using the communication with people in daily active. Therefore we are working some company in Yangon or other company, you need to communicate with other, thus you must need to know about English Conversation.

If you have some conversation note for them about nice using English Skill for them, there are some note for them, which have been noted to save them. Nowadays, everybody are using and talking to communte as communication with English Conversation, so if, you all are needing to use the communication of English for that.

Sometimes, the people are using about communicate the nice ways to communicate with English and other language, but most of using about English Language therefore you will note how to communicate with English skill, after you have finished your English Skill.


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