This is the most important application for android smartphone. Its name is going to use origianl, free simple, easy and quick compression program, archiver, assistant, extractor, manager and even a basic file explorer. List of functions include repair command for damaged Zip and RAR files, benchmark Function compatible with WinRar, Recover record, usual and recovery volumes, archives, utilizing multiple CPU cores to compress data.
Additionally to standard ZIP files, unzip function supports ZIP and ZIPX with BZIP2, LZMA, PPMd and XZ compression also as password protected ZIP. Unrar command is available for all versions of RAR archives including the latest RAR5, password protected and multipart files.
Therefore I would like to say you who must download this application to use. After you have finished your downloading, you must do "sitting of unknown", and download of this application to install into your smartphone of android thus I would like to remind you will do it.